Sunday, January 3, 2010

List of articles for Zoo Worls

Here is a list of articles I have out there for the zoo game.

This one deals with trading unlimited animals and has a list of all the ones I have so far.

This covers the achievements and some tips for the ones been thru.

This is as close as I get to cheat – it will keep the game running for hours without resetting

How many of what did I have when I finished up Here is a list


  1. Hi... Im John Form The Philippines... I Just Got Some Questions... If There Are Just 42 Levels For Zoo World, That Basically Means That You Can Only Get 43 Wildlife Points All Throughout The Game Right?... Since I'm From The Philippines, I Do Not Have Any Special Offers So There's No Other Way For Me To Get WP But To Finish Each Achievement In The Game... So That Leaves Me With Only A Unicorn And A Snowy Map To Buy With It... Are There Any Other Ways For Me To Get More WP?... Thank you For The Time...

  2. John I really wish I would have used my points to buy one of the trees that give WL points when shaken. They should get you one point a day.

  3. Yeah... That Would Have Been A Good Move For You... But I Don't Think That's Possible For Me... The Tree Costs 100 WP's And The Most That I Could Get Are Only 43 After The Game... :( --> John

  4. Can't you do surveys to get WLP? Never seen them myself but I am told you can get WLP via them as well.

  5. I Tried But They're Not Available In The Philippines... :( --> John

  6. If anyone has a link for the surveys please post it here.

    There was a post in another section that said to shake trees on other zoos that have a tree until you have 100. Im still looking for a zoo with a tree so havent been able to test this.

  7. Is It POssible For You To Shake Other People's Trees For WLP's? --> John

  8. I found one wildlife in another I shook it a coin popped out but I dint get any points just dollars.

  9. I found one wildlife tree in another zoo. I shook it a coin popped out but I dint get any points just dollars.

  10. When you breed the animals you get WF coins for each level completed (bronze, silver and gold) it takes a while but you do get them

  11. I have a friend who is collecting a list of how many WL points you get for each breeding level.

    We will be sharing that soon - If you cross a level feel free to post here and Ill add it.

  12. How many of each animal will I need in the end?

  13. You can get WF points playing Zoo Lotto, but it is a gamble since you have to spend WF points to play it. I did win about 20WP for spending about 5.

  14. for the RELOAD_EVERY trick : if you set the time of refresh smaller than 5 minutes, it also accelerates time - as restarts zoo day with every refresh ..

  15. everytime you breed an animal you get a wildlife point.. so if u can do it breed them as much as possible

  16. there are 43 level yest but each level has 3 or 4 achievments to unlock for each one that you complete you get a wild life by level 43 you should have quite a few more wlp than just 43 im on level 29 and i have 56 WLP. other peoples trees that they shake and get points for do not apply to you if you are visiting their zoo then you get like 1000$. i dont know exactly how much it is so dont hold me to that one. lol.

  17. How do you train 3 tricks?

  18. There are several animals that can be trained. The best way to find them is to look in the shop; They will have a yellow button under them that says train. The button will take you to a Menu that will let you train the animal.

    You can train once a zoo day; and three tricks will take awhile. Progress bars will show up when you train and you can see where you are.

  19. you can get WL points by breeding animals. im only on level 37 and have one one the trees that gives you points, a treasure finder and 2 unicorns.



About Me

Akron, Ohio, United States
I am still new to blogging but am having fun so far