Friday, January 1, 2010

Major mistake - stuck in the game no more WL points.

Ok what I did was spend some wildlife points.

Now that there are no more achievements left; I cant get any more wildlife points without spending money.

There are over 100 achievements - what I wish I would have done is buy a tree that produces wildlife points. That way I would be able to at least get one a day.

Im debating spending some $$ to get a tree now.


  1. I think you only get a point per level not per achievement now.

    I'm not sure what I'll do with mine.

  2. now with breeding trophies you get a ton more points so no need to worry about not having enough for that tree or treasure hunter etc :)

  3. that tree cost 100 wildlife points, even you finished your 42 lever, you still don't have enough to buy that tree... :(



About Me

Akron, Ohio, United States
I am still new to blogging but am having fun so far