Wednesday, February 3, 2010

open more breeding cages

Based on the number of zoomates you have you can get additional breeding cages..

I can now breed five animals and am collecting zoomates as fast as I can.

When it cuts me off I will post what the limit is.

Look at your breeing and you may find one open.



  1. when this first started I was able to have 10.. however I'm down to 8 available now and I have over 35 zoomates.

  2. I can breed 8, think this is the maximum for now.

  3. Hi! i also have 8 nets breeding. how did you get to have so many million zoo dollars to all those levels? the maximum of zoo day profit i have is 65,000... Great job on this wonderful page! Thanks. Elsa, Portugal

  4. i also have 8 nests and 38 zoomates. 8 seems to be the limit (unfortunately :/)

  5. I have 39 ZooMates and 8 Nests. It implies (although I wouldn't count on it) that you can open an additional nest with the Purchase of a Breading Specialist (80 Wildlife Points). However I don't have enough Wildlife Points to find out.

  6. Thank you for the kind words with regards to me zoo. I have been playing for awhile Time helps allot :-)

  7. Yes 8 is the limit with zoo mates and you can open up more with a Breeding Specialist (one nest per specialist you own).

  8. 8 is maximum then u can buy the breeding specialists to open up other nests



About Me

Akron, Ohio, United States
I am still new to blogging but am having fun so far